New Deal Propaganda Project

New Deal Program Propaganda Project
Your task is to develop a propaganda poster (on an 8.5”x 11” paper) that will encourage
people to see the value in a particular New Deal Program. In 1932 President elect, Franklin
Roosevelt promised a “New Deal” for the American people. New Deal policies focused on
three general goals: relief for the needy, economic recovery, & financial reform. During FDR’s
first Hundred Days in office (March 9-June 16, 1933) Congress passed more than 15 pieces of
New Deal legislation. These laws, and many others that followed, significantly expanded the
Federal Government’s role in the nation’s economy and are often referred to as the Alphabet
Soup of reform legislation. They are called the Alphabet Soup programs because they were
often referred to by their acronyms such as FDIC, NRA, CCC, HOLC, etc..

Your projects will be evaluated on the following criteria:

  • Does the poster have a clear/catchy slogan that promotes the program in a positive way?
  • Is the poster historically accurate?
  • Is the poster neat, colorful, and attractive?
  • Is your written portion complete & uploaded on time?
  • Was the project turned in on time?

This Alphabet Soup Advertisement poster will also include a short written portion, which will answer the following questions and be uploaded to

1. What is the name of your program?
      a. Why was this program created?
      b. In what year was it established?
      c. Who sponsored it?
      d. What area of reform did it attempt to address (i.e. employment, farming, housing, economic, 
           labor relations, retirement, etc.)?
2. What was this New Deal agency created to accomplish?

      a. What specifically did your program do?
      b. Who (what part of the population) was most affected by your program?
3. Is the program still around today?

      a. If so, what is its use today? Has the use changed over time? How and why?
4. Do you think this project helped create jobs and/or solve any problems of the Great Depression? 

    Explain why or why not?
      a. Would you endorse this program? Why or why not?
5. What statistics are important for the public to know about your program? What statistics support 
     your program? (i.e. dates, sizes, dollar amounts, etc.) Example…Unemployment rate in 1929: 
     3.2%"Unemployment rate in 1932: 24.2%"Unemployment rate in 1935: 20.1%
6. Works cited (i.e. a bibliography in proper MLA8  format; you may use a tool like    to help create your citations). 
      a. Wikipedia is not an acceptable, academic source to use for this project.

This project us due on 1/16/20 (for A day classes) & 1/17/20 (for B day classes).

  • The 8.5x11 poster will be collected in class that day.
  • Your written portion is due to be uploaded to by 11pm that day; you will not need to turn in a hard copy in class. log-in info:
A day Class ID= 23052173
A day Enrollment Key= USA1776
B day Class ID= 23052191
B day Enrollment Key= USA1776


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