Peer Court

Extra Credit mentioned in class here is an option you have to earn extra credit for class to make-up some points or pad your grade a bit.

If your schedule permits, you have an extra credit opportunity (Tuesday, October 15th) by attending Peer Court after school in the NHHS Library Reading Room from 3:05-5:05pm. To earn the extra credit (and even some community service hours) you must be there the entire time! To get the extra credit answer the following questions about each case (there will be a maximum of 4 cases): 

  • a- What was the case about? (i.e. what are they in trouble for doing?) 
  • b- What was the jury's decision & did the judge change anything?
  • c- Did you agree or disagree with the outcome? Why?
  • Additionally some of you will have the opportunity to be jurors and ask questions (if you end up being chosen for that please answer the above questions for your case only AND write about what the jury experience was like...hard, easy, confusing, etc.)
This write up on Peer Court will must be turned in no later than, Tuesday, October 22nd.
More info about the Peer Court Program:
Peer Court is a unique juvenile crime diversion program that offers both a second chance to first-time juvenile offenders who have committed non-violent misdemeanors and a valuable educational experience to all high school students in Orange County. Peer Court sessions are held at high schools across Orange County. Sitting judges preside, attorneys advise, and high school students designated as “jurors,” assess the cases presented and assign appropriate sanctions. Students in the audience observe and participate in the interactive program, learning about the juvenile justice system and the importance of making responsible decisions.

This program is sponsored by the Constitutional Rights Foundation (Orange County) and partners with the Orange County Superior Court, Probation Department, District Attorney, Department of Education, Community Service Programs, local law firms, as well as public and private high schools throughout Orange County.


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