
Showing posts from April, 2008

STAR Testing is this week, what does that mean for class?

US= On the day that you will be in class this week you will be given an extra credit assignment that you have the choice to do. You MUST be in class to get the assignment. This assignment is due Monday, 5/5 for 6th period & Tuesday, 5/6 for periods 1, 3, & 5. PacRim/IR= If you want to earn some extra credit you can do a write-up after viewing the documentary entitled "Miss HIV" this Thursday, 5/1 from 7-9pm at RockHarbor (located at 3080 Airway in Costa Mesa). YOUR REVIEW OF THE FILM IS DUE MONDAY, 5/5! Please check out the website for more information. I do not know of another location where you might see this documentary, but it ties in nicely with the next unit we will be moving into in the coming weeks. Here is what you should include in your minimum of 1 type written page review of the documentary:  The plot...what is the film about, what is the story line, what is it all about? The "main idea"...what is the message, what did you lear...

"April prepares her green traffic light and the world thinks...GO." ~Christopher Morley

US= We are wrapping up Chapters 15 & 16 this sure to read all of 15 and the first 4 sections of 16. The following workbook pages are due THIS week 123, 126, 128, 130, 132, 134, & 137. I have purposely left out one section from chapter 16. There will be a test on the day your workbook pages are due...Thursday, 4/ 24 for 6th period and Friday, 4/25 for 1st, 3rd, & 5th periods. Pac Rim/IR= No homework this week. We are starting a new unit on Poverty & Hunger. If you did the extra credit assignment that was posted last week be sure to turn it in!

Look at the Yellow for Extra Credit!

US= We have started a new unit...we will be covering the majority of chapters 15 & 16. The following workbook pages are due next week 123, 126, 128, 130, 132, 134, & 137. I have purposely left out one section from chapter 16. There will be a test on the day your workbook pages are due...Thursday, 4/ 24 for 6 th period and Friday, 4/25 for 1st, 3rd, & 5 th periods. PacRim /IR= We will be wrapping up our Human Rights Unit with Apartheid this week. There will be a Human Rights Quest (longer than a quiz, but shorter than a test) on Friday, 4/18. Extra Credit= If you attend the Autism Awareness Movie Night on Wednesday 4/16 in the Main Gym from 7-8pm you can earn extra credit. In order to receive the extra credit you will write a movie review for the short film shown using the following format: Opening: Catch the Reader's Attention Think about how advertisements sell movies: "trailers" show you a few seconds of the movie to get you interested. When you begin yo...

Wow...where did our break go???

US= You must turn in your Civil Rights written or artistic project on Monday, April 14th before the end of lunch to receive full credit. Projects must be turned in to Miss leaving them in the classroom or the mailbox in portable #3. Projects will be marker down 1 full letter grade for each day they are late (not each class period...therefore if it is due on Monday & you turn it in on Wednesday you will be marked down 2 full letter grades). PacRim/IR= No homework over the break & no extra credit assignment. be looking for an extra credit opportunity in the next 2 weeks. Check out the trailer at the bottom of the website!