
Showing posts from May, 2010

"And they who for their country die shall fill an honored grave, for glory lights the soldier's tomb, and beauty weeps the brave." ~Joseph Drake

I hope that you are all enjoying the long weekend, but please do take some time to remember why it is a holiday. Check out this link for more information about Memorial Day. US= You have your worksheets due in class on Tuesday, 6/1 (for odd periods) and Wednesday, 6/2 (for even periods). Don't forget that your group's script is due Thursday, 6/3 regardless of what period you are in. IR/PacRim= The rough draft of your group paper is due Tuesday, 6/1. You will be getting your final map of the year this week! Extra Credit Update: I will accept the write-ups for this week's episodes up until Friday, 6/4 due to the holiday weekend.

"Those who won our independence believed liberty to be the secret of happiness and courage to be the secret of liberty." -Louis D. Brandeis

US= We will be taking a look at the 1970s this week as we prepare for STAR testing next week. Please come motivated and prepared to learn since our time is limited! In other news you have a new Group Project...the final product is due 6/15 for all classes, but the first deadline is tomorrow, Tuesday, 5/18. Please be sure to get in a group & have your group leader turn in your "Commitment Form". All group assignments will be posted Tuesday afternoon and your group's storyboard is due on Friday, May 21 (for all classes)! IR/PacRim= You have 4 Research Note-cards due Tuesday, 5/18, your PSA script is due Thursday, 5/20 a Map Test on Eastern Europe on Thursday, 5/20. Those are our big "deadlines" this week. I know it seems like a lot, but if you have been working with your group and using your time wisely these tasks are very "do-able"! Just for fun....this should look familiar to some of you!

"The world's favorite season is the spring. All things seem possible in May." -Edwin Way Teale

Remember that there are 3 more weeks of Extra Credit opportunity (see the column on the left). US= You need to be reading Chapter 16 (just sections 1-4, we will cover section 5 at a later time) in preparation for a test on Chapter 15 & 16 (Friday, 5/14 for odd periods & Monday, 5/17 for even periods). You also have a "Letter from Vietnam" due Wednesday, 5/12 for odd periods and Thursday, 5/13 for even periods. IR/PacRim= Your Group Project Thesis Statements will be returned on Wednesday. Don't forget that your group's storyboard for the PSA is due Friday, 5/14 and your notecards (4 per person) are due Tuesday, 5/18. You were given notecards in class today to use; additionally you were shown some great on-line data base resources to use for your research today. Please take advantage of this help that has been given to you! There will be a new Map given out in class on Wednesday on Western will also be due on Friday, 5/14.

"The heart of a mother is a deep abyss at the bottom of which you will always find forgiveness.” -Honore de Balzac

Don't forget that Mother's Day is this coming Sunday (May 9th)!!! US= We are taking a Quiz on Chapter 15 this week and then moving on to Chapter 16 and taking a look at the Vietnam War. PLease be reading in your textbook as we are covering topics in class! IR/PacRim= You have a list of due dates for your group project. Be sure to stay in contact with your group members and don't fall behind on the work. Topics were picked today (5/4), a copy of the UNDHR is due on 5/6, and your group's thesis statement is due on Monday, 5/10. There will be some time to work with your group in class on Thursday after the Map Test!