
Showing posts from June, 2008

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” ~Nelson Mandela

Final grades for the Spring 2008 semester are posted on-line . Here are a few snapshots of this years classes. More pictures to follow...they are not uploading properly right now.

"An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest." ~Benjamin Franklin

Well folks, here we are at the close of yet another school year. This is what this week's schedule looks like: MONDAY- 1st (8:00-10:00) & 5 th (10:20-12:20) period finals TUESDAY- 2 nd (8:00-10:00) & 6 th (10:20-12:20) period finals WEDNESDAY- 3rd (8:00-10:00) & 7 th (10:20-12:20) period finals THURSDAY- 4 th (8:00-10:00) & 8 th (10:20-12:20) period finals A few things to keep in mind: 1. Study guides were provided in class last week. 2. You must be in class to take your final during the given time or make previous arrangements be e-mailing Miss Kirby at . 3. Final grades for the semester will be posted on-line by Friday afternoon.

“This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.” -Winston Churchill

US= FILM NIGHT IS TUESDAY, JUNE 10TH from 6-8 pm. ALL STUDENTS AND FAMILIES ARE INVITED. We will meet outside of Beek Hall in the quad before watching the student's projects (a form explaining this event & textbook due dates was sent home last week). 6th period has a quiz on Monday on 19.2. Textbooks & workbook pages 155, 157, 160, & 162 are due Thursday (for 1st, 3rd, & 5th periods) and Friday (for 6th period). We will also have our final quiz that day on Chapter 19, sections 3 & 4. The rest of the class time this week will be devoted to reviewing. PacRim/IR= We will spend some more time this week looking at War & Conflict. A study outline will be provided this week. The first part of your Semester Final will be given this Friday, June 13th. It's not as scary as it sounds, but you still need to study! Glitter Word Generator

“And what is so rare as a day in June? Then, if ever, come perfect days.” ~James Russell Lowell

US= YOUR FILM PROJECT IS DUE THIS FRIDAY, JUNE 6TH (with the Film Night to follow on Tuesday, June 10 th ...a flier will be sent home about that evening this week)! We are starting our final chapter of the semester. There will be quizzes almost daily for the rest of the semester, so stay on top of your reading. The Wed./Thurs. quiz will be on Chapter 19, Section 1...the Fri./Mon. quiz will be on Chapter 19, Section 2.    Your signed sheet about the movie night & textbook turn in is due this week...Thursday or Friday depending on which period you are in! PacRim /IR= You are to bring 2-3 visuals to class with you on Tuesday that represent the Tool of Foreign Policy you read about on your worksheet this past weekend. Your final map test is this coming Thursday is on Western Europe .