
Showing posts from October, 2012

"They're playing like the Giants play, and we expected that coming in. They're good. They're really good." -Jim Leyland, Tiger's manager

Peer Court Extra Credit is due on Friday, 11/ matter what period you might be in! There is no school for you on Thursday; think of how much fun I'll be having at meetings while you're sleeping in! U.S. History= Your 1st Quarter Study Guide & Native American Tribal Flier is due soon, don't leave it all to the last minute! They are due on Friday, 11/2 (for odd periods) & Monday, 11/5 (for even periods). A.P. Euro= Your first DBQ is due on Wednesday , 10/31 (it is on pages A16-A18 in the appendix of your textbook). Please have it posted to by 10am on Wednesday morning. Don't forget to keep up with your reading assignments! In case you missed it...the San Francisco Giants swept the Detroit Tigers to win the 2012 World Series!!!

"Baseball is the only place in life where a sacrifice is really appreciated." ~Author Unknown

I had to include the baseball quote this week with the National League Championship Series wrapping up tonight & with the World Series starting on Wednesday! U.S. History= You all have a 1st Quarter Study Guide & Native American Tribal Flier to be working on...don't leave it all to the last minute! They are due on Friday, 11/2 (for odd periods) & Monday, 11/5 (for even periods). A.P. Euro= Your Chapter 16 & 17 Study Guides are due on Monday, 10/29. That means we will have a review session on Sunday, 10/28 (more details about it in class on Thursday)! You have your first DBQ due on Wednesday , 10/31 (it is on pages A16-A18 in the appendix of your textbook...more details on Thursday as well). EXTRA CREDIT ALERT! Extra Credit Alert mentioned in class here an opportunity to make-up some points or pad your grade a bit. You all have an extra credit opportunity (Thursday, October 25 th ) by attending Peer Court after school in the Social Hall from 3:...

"We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance." ~Japanese Proverb

This week's quote is in honor of Homecoming Week...the game is Friday at 7pm & the dance is Saturday at 8pm. Might as well go dance, right?!? U.S. History= We are strating a new chapter & getting info on our first project of the year. If you miss class, please be sure to stop by the next day that you are back at school to pick up what you missed. Due dates will be posted later this week. A.P. Euro= This week we are being introduced to DBQs (Document Based Questions) as we are also moving forward with Chapter 16. Please remember that your journals are due on Friday 10/19.

"One does not discover new lands without consenting to lose sight of the shore for a very long time." ~André Gide

I thought this was funny & might even be how some of you feel. :) U.S. History= Chapter 2 Test is coming up! Your Study Guide, Civil War Map, & Worksheet on the Missouri Compromise/Kansas-Nebraska Act are due on Friday, 10/12 (for odd periods) & Monday, 10/15 (for even periods). AP Euro= Your Chapter 14 & 15 Study Guides are due on Tuesday, 10/9...the same day as your test! We will be moving on to Chapter 16 later in the week!

“I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.” -L.M. Montogomery

Grades will be added on School Loop by Wednesday evening (not all scores will be up right away...but after this you will see scores updated there about every other week). U.S. History= We are on to Chapter 2! Please be working on your new Homework (due 10/12 for odd periods & 10/15 for even periods); there are 3 parts (Study Guide, Civil War Map & MO Compromise worksheet) divide up the work into smaller bits you'll find that it is not that difficult to do! A.P. Euro= Test corrections need to be done by Tuesday, Ocotober 2nd! You may come in before school, at lunch, during a home period, or after school (by appointment). We will be going over the essay's from the first test on Wednesday in class to help you prepare for the next test; please keep in mind that our next test is Tuesday, October 9th. Your chapter 14 & 15 Study Guides are due on the test day! Reading this week...for Wednesday's class please read pages 495-509 & for Friday please have pages ...