"The jaws of power are always open to devour, and her arm is always stretched out, if possible, to destroy the freedom of thinking, speaking, and writing." --John Adams
Click on the "Peer Court" link to the right (above the "It's Kirby. It's epic.") for information about an extra Credit opportunity this week. This week's Schedule: Monday– Extended Lunch A day Tuesday – B day Wednesday– Late Start A day Thursday– B day Friday– Minimum A day U.S. History= I should have seen ALL your signed forms by now! THE DUE DATE HAS CHANGED ...Your Chapter 1 Study Guide and "Events Leading to the American Revolution" Timeline are due Friday, 10/2 (for A day classes) & Monday, 10/5 (for B day classes). These items MUST be completed in your composition book! Be reading the textbook because the test is coming up quick...you are accountable for what is in the textbook as well as what we cover in class. There will be map questions on the original 13 colonies (which became the first 13 states) on your test! Also, you can write out the Preamble to the Constitution for extra credit on the test. Here is a...