
Showing posts from December, 2016

“Christmas gift suggestions: to your enemy, forgiveness. To an opponent, tolerance. To a friend, your heart. To a customer, service. To all, charity. To every child, a good example. To yourself, respect.” ~ Oren Arnold

If you  know that you will miss class before the break, it is your responsibility to communicate with me and get what you will be missing ahead of time! This week's Schedule: Monday–  Late Start  B day Tuesday – A day Wednesday–  B day Thursday– A day Friday– Minimum B day (1 hour classes) U.S. History=   You will receive your topic (based off of your choices) for the 2nd Quarter Group PSA Project ( linked here ) this week.  You have a Chapter 7 & 8 Study Guide to be working on (due 1/11 & 1/12) Please bring your comp book to class on 12/20 & 12/21. A.P. Euro=   Your Chapter 22 & 23 Study Guides are due on Wednesday, 12/21 (EXAM day).  Check your School Loop email for all the review links I sent last week. You will receive a take home essay assignment later this week that is to be completed over the break. More info on that after the Exam on Wednesday. via GIPHY

"Of all the months of the year there is not a month one-half so welcome to the young, or so full of happy associations, as the last month of the year..." ~"All the Year Round: December," All the Year Round: A Weekly Journal Conducted by Charles Dickens, 1887 December

This week's Schedule: Monday–  Late Start  A day Tuesday – B day Wednesday–   A day Thursday– Extended Lunch B day Friday– A day U.S. History=   There is an Extra Credit Jazz Age Journal assignment that is due on Monday & Tuesday(it was given out in class last week). This extra credit will  not  be accepted late; it is due at the start of the period you are in! If you haven't should start reading Chapter 7! There will be a Chapter 7 Quiz on 12/16 & 12/19! We will be moving through the 1920s rather quickly. Expect a new study guide before the end of the week and your 2nd Quarter Project assignment before the break! A.P. Euro=   We are continuing with Chapter 22 this week. Please keep up with the reading schedule AND be working on your study guide as you go along (not all at the last minute the night be fore it is due). Your study guides are due on 12/21! Please bring your textbooks to class on Th...

“It is December, and nobody asked if I was ready.” ― Sarah Kay

This week's schedule: Monday- Late Start B Day Tuesday- A Day Wednesday- B Day Thursday- A Day Friday- B Day U.S. History= Your Chapter 5 & 6 Study Guide (completed in your comp book) is due this week (12/6 & 12/7, there will be a test that day...mostly multiple choice and some short answer).  Here is an on-line  link  to the Study Guide. ***3rd period…please start setting aside/saving some of your money for Adopt-A-Family. ALL MONEY SHOULD BE TURNED IN THIS WEEK! A.P. Euro= Please bring your textbook to class on Monday. We will be wrapping up the Napoleonic Era & doing a writing activity (not an essay)! The Multiple Choice portion of the Chapter 20 & 21 exam has been pushed back to Wednesday, 12/7. Your comp book with completed study guides & journal entries is due that same day! Please check the School Loop email I sent last week for review links & further details. Wednesday, 12/7 is also our "Let Them Eat ...