
Showing posts from 2017

“The beginning is always today.” ― Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley

U.S. History=   2nd & 3rd periods... I know it is break, but here are a few deadlines you need to remember: C hapter 7 & 8 Study Guide  (in your composition book) is due 1/10 (for A Day classes) & 1/11 (for B Day classes) This was given out in class the week of December 11th Your New Deal Program PSA Group Project (turned in on a flash drive with your separate written reflection) is due 1/17 (for A Day classes) & 1/18 (for B Day classes) You will be given some time to work with your groups in class to "check in" & make sure everything is on track during that first week back to class in January Once again, the assignment is linked here. 4th & 6th periods... you were given instructions in class the week on 12/18 about your Great Depression Newspaper Project (due 1/11) & an Extra Credit opportunity (due 1/8).  These items were posted in the School Loop Locker for our class by Ms. Morrison. If you have specific questions...

"In December ring every day the chimes; loud the gleemen sing in the streets their merry rhymes. Let us by the fire ever higher sing them till the night expire!" -Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

If you  know that you will miss class before the break, it is your responsibility to communicate with me and get what you will be missing ahead of time! This week's Schedule: Monday–  Late Start  B day Tuesday – A day Wednesday–  B day Thursday– A day Friday– B day U.S. History=   4th & 6th have your Chapter 7 Test on Monday, 12/18. Your study guides (linked in the School Loop message sent last week) are due to be completed in your comp book and turned in that same day. 2nd & 3rd will receive your topic (based off of your choices) for the 2nd Quarter Group PSA Project ( linked here ) this week. This project is due on 1/17 & 1/18. You have a  Chapter 7 & 8 Study Guide  to be working on (due 1/10 & 1/11) Please bring your comp book to class Tuesday-Friday this week! A.P. Euro=   Your Chapter 22 & 23 Study Guides are due on Tuesday, 12/19 (EXAM day)....

"To me every hour of the light and dark is a miracle, Every cubic inch of space is a miracle." ~Walt Whitman

This week's Schedule: Monday–  Late Start  A day Tuesday – B day Wednesday–   A day Thursday– Extended Lunch B day Friday– A day U.S. History=   If you haven't should start reading Chapter 7!  There will be a Chapter 7 Quiz on 12/13 & 12/14! We will be moving through the 1920s rather quickly. You already have the Chapter 7 & 8 Study Guide to be working on. ***4th period…please start setting aside/saving some of your money for Adopt-A-Family. We are trying to bring in at least $5-$10 per person to help make a less fortunate family's holiday season special! Expect your 2nd Quarter Project assignment before the break! A.P. Euro=   We are wrapping up Chapter 22 this week & then jumping in to Chapter 23. Please keep up with the reading schedule AND be working on your study guide as you go along (not all at the last minute the night be fore it is due). Your study guides are due on 12/19...

“December, being the last month of the year, cannot help but make us think of what is to come.” ― Fennel Hudson

This week's schedule: Monday- Late Start B Day Tuesday- A Day Wednesday- B Day Thursday- A Day Friday- B Day U.S. History= Your Chapter 5 & 6 Study Guide (completed in your comp book) is due this week Monday for 2nd period. There will be a QUEST! We will be diving in to Chapter 7 later this week! Please start reading ahead. ***4th period…please start setting aside/saving some of your money for Adopt-A-Family. We are trying to bring in at least $5-$10 per person to help make a less fortunate family's holiday season special! A.P. Euro= The Multiple Choice portion of the Chapter 20 & 21 exam is on Tuesday, 12/5. Your comp book with completed study guides & journal entries is due that same day! Please check the School Loop email I sent last week for review links & further details. Tuesday, 12/5 is also our "Let Them Eat Cake Day" for first period (5th period didn't have any volunteers  sign up..."le sigh"!  ...

“How beautifully leaves grow old. How full of light and color are their last days.” ― John Burroughs

This week's schedule: Monday- Late Start A Day Tuesday- B Day Wednesday- A Day Thursday- B Day Friday- A Day U.S. History= Your Chapter 5 & 6 Study Guide is due on 12/1 & 12/4, there will be a test that day. Here is an on-line  link  to the Chapter 5 & 6 study guide  (for 2nd & 3rd periods) that is due on your test day.  Hopefully you got started on it over the break. Please bring your comp book to class EVERYDAY this week! ***4th period…please start setting aside/saving some of your money for Adopt-A-Family. A.P. Euro= Nicely done with the group projects! Those of you who were in class should have your Chapter 20 Study Guide pretty much complete after all of the presentations. Hopefully you took some time over the break to get started on the Chapter 21 Study Guide (it’s a jam packed chapter on the French Revolution & Napoleon). Here is a link to the Chapter 20 & 21 study guides . There will be a Chapter 21 Vocabu...

"Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it." -William Arthur Ward

This week's schedule: Monday- Late Start A Day Tuesday- B Day (extended lunch schedule) Wednesday- No School Thursday- Thanksgiving (no school) Friday- No School U.S. History= The Chapter 5 worksheet (with 20 questions) is due on 11/20 & 11/21! Your Chapter 5 & 6 Study Guide is due after the Thanksgiving break (12/1 & 12/4, there will be a test that day). 2nd & 3rd period received a new Study Guide covering Chapters 5 & 6.  (Here is an on-line  link  to the new study guide that us due 12/1 & 12/4...there will be a test that day.) It wouldn't hurt to get started on that over the break. Please bring your comp book to class on Monday, 11/27 & Tuesday, 11/28 (after the break). ***4th period…please start setting aside/saving some of your money for Adopt-A-Family. A.P. Euro= Your group presentation on your assigned portion of Chapter 20 is due on Monday, 11/20.  By the end of class on Monday you should ha...

“Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for.” ― Epicurus

This week's schedule: Monday– Late Start B  day Tuesday – A day Wednesday– B day Thursday– A day Friday–  B Day U.S. History=   Your Chapter 3 & 4 Study guide (completed in your comp book) is due on 11/13 (for B day classes ) there will be a Quest (longer than a quiz & shorter than a test). Be sure to complete your “Imperialism & Expansion of the US” worksheet (to be passed out to 2nd & 3rd on Tuesday/Wednesday…it is due in class on Thursday/Friday! Expect a new Study Guide this week covering Chapters 5 & 6.  (Here is an on-line  link  to the new study guide  that us due 12/1 & 12/4.) ***4th period…please start setting aside/saving some of your money for Adopt-A-Family. A.P. Euro=  You have a Chapter 18 & 19 Exam this week on Tuesday, 11/14. Please be prepared to turn in your comp books (including both study guides, journals, & map) on that day. You will only be taking the multiple...

"To care for him who shall have borne the battle..." --Abraham Lincoln

This week's Schedule: Monday– Late Start B  day Tuesday – A day Wednesday– B day Thursday– A day Friday–  Veterans Day Observed, No School U.S. History=   Your Chapter 3 & 4 Study guide is due on 11/9 (for A day classes ) and 11/13 (for B day classes! There will be a test that day. The following is a link to a digital copy of the Chapter 3 & 4 Study Guide . You should be working on your Study Guide and reading both chapters in your textbook! Be sure that you know the vocabulary (they are the bold terms) from both chapters! A.P. Euro=  Please be keeping up with the reading schedule! Your reading quiz on Chapter 18 was pushed back to this week; be prepared for that quiz at the start of class on Tuesday, 11/7!  Again, try to divvy up your study guide questions...try doing 5 questions a night rather than saving them all for the night before the test! Please bring your comp book to class this week. Expect your ...

"Hold on, man. We don't go anywhere with "scary," "spooky," "haunted," or "forbidden" in the title." ~From Scooby-Doo

This week's Schedule: Monday– Late Start B  day Tuesday –  A day Wednesday–  No School for Students (Teacher in-service day) Thursday– B day Friday–  A day U.S. History=   Bring your composition book with you to class this week (everyday)! You have a Chapter 3 Quiz on Monday, 10/30 for B day classes. Please be reading Chapter 3 at home! What we cover in class is supplemental to the textbook reading.  Your 1st Quarter project (Native American Tribal Flier) is due THIS week is due on Thursday, 11/2 (for 2nd, 4th, and 6th periods) & Friday, 11/3 (for 3rd period).  Here is a link to the actual  assignment sheet & template . All areas of this project  (except area 4) are to be put in a regularly formatted Word document & be uploaded to A hard copy will be turned in (please check  for a School Loop email with more details ). A.P. Euro=  Please be keeping up with ...

“October had tremendous possibility. The summer's oppressive heat was a distant memory, and the golden leaves promised a world full of beautiful adventures. They made me believe in miracles.” ― Sarah Guillory

If you attended Peer Court last week & did a write-up it is due by Thursday, 10/26. This week's Schedule: Monday– Late Start A  day Tuesday – B day Wednesday– A day Thursday– Extended Lunch B day Friday– A day U.S. History=   Your 1st Quarter project was introduced & assigned last week (Native American Tribal Flier) and is due on Thursday, 11/2 (for 2nd, 4th, and 6th periods) & Friday, 11/3 (for 3rd period).  Here is a link to the actual  assignment sheet & template . All areas of this project  (except area 4) are to be put in a regularly formatted Word document & be uploaded to A hard copy will be turned in (please check  for a School Loop with more details ). Please be reading Chapter 3 at home! What we cover in class is supplemental to the textbook reading.  You will get your comp books back this week & be receiving a new study guide covering chapters 3 & 4 before...

"There is no season when such pleasant and sunny spots may be lighted on, and produce so pleasant an effect on the feelings, as now in October." - Nathaniel Hawthorne

Click on the "Peer Court" link to the right (above the "It's Kirby. It's epic.") for information about an extra Credit opportunity THIS week. This week's Schedule: Monday– Late Start B  day Tuesday – A day Wednesday– B day  Thursday– Rally Schedule A day Friday–  B day U.S. History=   Chapter 2 Test this week! Tuesday for A Day classes & Wednesday for B Day classes. Your Chapter 2 Study Guide & Civil War Map (to be completed in your comp book) and several other items are due on your test day...(Odd periods are due 10/17 & Even periods are due 10/18). Be sure that you are working on those items now & not waiting until the night before to do all of the work!  Check last week's post for electronic copies of the two items listed above. Also, be sure to check the list on the board in class so that you can keep track of all the required items that should be in your comp book. The 1st Quarter Project will be introduc...

“It must be October, the trees are falling away and showing their true colors.” ― Charmaine J Forde

Click on the "Peer Court" link to the right (above the "It's Kirby. It's epic.") for information about an Extra Credit opportunity next week. This week's Schedule: 10/9, Monday– Late Start A  day 10/10, Tuesday – B day 10/11, Wednesday– A day 10/12, Thursday– B day 10/13, Friday– A day U.S. History=   Be reading Chapter never know when there might be a pop quiz in class! Your Chapter 2 Study Guide (to be completed in your comp book... link to a copy here ) and several other items (including the Civil War Map linked here ) are due on your test day...(Odd periods are due 10/17 & Even periods are due 10/18).  Be sure that you are working on those items now & not waiting until the night before to do all of the work!  Also, be sure to check the list on the board in class so that you can keep track of all the required items that should be in your comp book. A.P. Euro=  There will be a Chapter 16 Vocabulary Quiz i...

"The clear light that belongs to October was making the landscape radiant." ~Florence Bone

This week's Schedule: Monday–  Late Start  B  day Tuesday – A day Wednesday– B day Thursday– A day Friday– B day U.S. History=   B Day classes have the Chapter 1 Test on Monday, 10/2...your comp book with completed timeline & study guide are due on your test day.  Look at last week's post for more review items. You will receive your Chapter 2 Study Guide and Civil War Map in class this week and they are due on your test day...(due dates will be posted later this week). Be sure that you start reading Chapter 2, so that you can be working on those items when you get your comp books back later this week & then you won't be waiting until the night before to do all of the work!  You are accountable for what is in the textbook as well as what we cover in class. A.P. Euro=  Your Chapter 14 & 15 Study Guides (with maps) are due on test day, which is Thursday, 10/5!   If you have questions please be sure to ask...

“September was a thirty-days long goodbye to summer, to the season that left everybody both happy and weary of the warm, humid weather and the exhausting but thrilling adventures." ― Lea Malot

This week's Schedule: Monday– Late Start A  day Tuesday –   B day  Wednesday– A day Thursday– B day (Back to School Night) Friday– Minimum A day U.S. History=   I should have seen ALL your signed forms by now! Your Chapter 1 Study Guide and "Events Leading to the American Revolution" Timeline are due on your Test Day...Friday, 9/29 (for A day classes) & Monday, 10/2 (for B day classes).  These items MUST be completed in your composition book! Be reading the textbook because the test is coming up are accountable for what is in the textbook as well as what we cover in class. There will be map questions on the original 13 colonies (which became the first 13 states) on your test! Here is a  link  to some directions for a way to quiz yourself based off of the textbook on-line. Check your School Loop email for a message with more specifics. :) Also, you can write out the Preamble to the Constitution for...

"I cannot endure to waste anything as precious as autumn sunshine by staying in the house. So I spend almost all the daylight hours in the open air." --Nathaniel Hawthorne

Friday is the first day of Autumn! This week's Schedule: Monday– Late Start  B day Tuesday – A day Wednesday–  B day Thursday–  Extended Lunch A day (for Club Rush) Friday– B day U.S. History=   I should have seen ALL your signed forms by now! Your Chapter 1 Study Guide and "Events Leading to the American Revolution" Timeline are due Friday, 9/29 (for A day classes) & Monday, 10/2 (for B day classes).  These items MUST be completed in your composition book! STUDY GUIDES ARE ALWAYS DUE ON TEST DAY! WE HAVE A TEST ON 9/29 & 10/2. Be reading the textbook because the test is coming up are accountable for what is in the textbook as well as what we cover in class. There will be map questions on the original 13 colonies (which became the first 13 states) on your test! Also, you can write out the Preamble to the Constitution for extra credit on the test. Here is a  link  to the School House Rocks song. ...