"An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest." ~Benjamin Franklin
Well folks, here we are at the close of yet another school year. This is what this week's schedule looks like:
MONDAY- 1st (8:00-10:00) & 5th (10:20-12:20) period finals
TUESDAY- 2nd (8:00-10:00) & 6th (10:20-12:20) period finals
WEDNESDAY- 3rd (8:00-10:00) & 7th (10:20-12:20) period finals
THURSDAY- 4th (8:00-10:00) & 8th (10:20-12:20) period finals
A few things to keep in mind:
1. Study guides were provided in class last week.
2. You must be in class to take your final during the given time or make previous arrangements be e-mailing Miss Kirby at kkirby@nmusd.us.
3. Final grades for the semester will be posted on-line by Friday afternoon.