"Don't knock the weather. If it didn't change once in a while, nine out of ten people couldn't start a conversation." -Kin Hubbard

Well...I'm not sure if it is the weather or what, but my personal computer has seemed to have settled down for a long winter's nap. I currently do not have a computer that operates at home so if you e-mail me in the late afternoon or evening, more than likely I will not see it until the next morning. Please be patient as I am having to make a few adjustments to our class activities since I don't have access to the files on my laptop right now.

US= We will be taking out district assessment test covering Chapters 5 & 6 this Thursday, 12/11 (for odd periods) and Friday, 12/12 (for even periods). Please be sure to look back through your textbook to review and prepare. You have your Chapter 6 & 7 notes due next week (look to the left for more details). You will be given a study guide for next week's Chapter 6 & 7 Test later this week. BE ON THE LOOK OUT FOR AN EXTRA CREDIT ASSIGNMENT IN CLASS THIS WEEK!!!

IR/PacRim= Please read through all handouts that you receive in class! We will be doing a few other activities related to World Hunger in class this week. Be prepared to take a Quest on Hunger & Poverty before we leave for break next week!

Just for fun...do you know what movie this quote is from?


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