
Showing posts from September, 2011

"By all these lovely tokens September days are here, with summer’s best of weather and autumn’s best of cheer." -Helen Hunt Jackson

U.S. History= Your Chapter 1 Homework Packet is due Wednesday, 9/28 (for odd periods) and Thursday, 9/29 (for even periods); late work is a big "no go" for this class, it's better to turn in something rather than nothing! That is also the day of your test. If you have done your homework packet then you should be well prepared. Don't forget to look back over your notes (that you took in class since I did give some hints about extra things to pay attention to). You have an extra credit opportunity on this test to memorize & write out the Preamble to the Constitution. Need help memorizing it? Check out this link . Later this week you will receive your Chapter 2 Homework Packet as we start the new unit.

“The Constitution is the guide which I never will abandon.” -George Washington

US History= We will be moving on to the topic of the U.S. Constitution this week. I realize that there is going to be some class shuffling, but please be working on your homework packet regardless! It is due Wednesday, 9/28 (for odd periods) and Thursday, 9/29 (for even periods)...remember that we will have our first test that same day. “ The Constitution of the United States was made not merely for the generation that then existed, but for posterity- unlimited, undefined, endless, perpetual posterity ”-Henry Clay

We on this continent should never forget that men first crossed the Atlantic not to find soil for their ploughs but to secure liberty for their souls.

The above quote is by Robert J. McCracken. It definetly ties in not only with what we are studying this week (why did people head to the "new world"), but it also reminds us of just how much those early settlers were willing to risk for liberty & freedom. Freedom is never free. U.S. History= Be working on your US Map Worksheet...there is a Map Quiz on Friday, 9/16 (for odd periods) and Monday, 9/19 (for even periods). Here is a link you can use to help you study the states & capitals on-line. I posted an "Overview of the Early Colonies" handout on School Loop (you don't need to print it out, but you should take a look at has a lot of good info about why the different colonies were started for various reasons). Here is the link to see that file. We checked out textbooks (Monday & Tuesday) so you can now really get going on your Chapter 1 Homework Packet. It is due Wednesday, 9/28 (for odd periods) and Thursday, 9/29 (for even periods).

And we're off...

Welcome to a new school year! Please be sure to use this site to stay up to date on what is happening in class each week. US= Be working on your US Map Worksheet...there is a Map Quiz on Friday, 9/16 (for odd periods) and Monday, 9/19 (for even periods).You now have a Chapter 1 Homework Packet to be working on. It is due Wednesday, 9/28 (for odd periods) and Thursday, 9/29 (for even periods). Hopefully by mid next week I will have a scanned version of the HW packet posted on School Loop.