"By all these lovely tokens September days are here, with summer’s best of weather and autumn’s best of cheer." -Helen Hunt Jackson

U.S. History= Your Chapter 1 Homework Packet is due Wednesday, 9/28 (for odd periods) and Thursday, 9/29 (for even periods); late work is a big "no go" for this class, it's better to turn in something rather than nothing! That is also the day of your test. If you have done your homework packet then you should be well prepared. Don't forget to look back over your notes (that you took in class since I did give some hints about extra things to pay attention to). You have an extra credit opportunity on this test to memorize & write out the Preamble to the Constitution. Need help memorizing it? Check out this link.

Later this week you will receive your Chapter 2 Homework Packet as we start the new unit.


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