
Showing posts from April, 2012

"The world's favorite season is the spring. All things seem possible in May." -Edwin Way Teale

Heads up about a couple of things this week... #1- If you went to Peer Court last week your write-up is due this Wednesday, 5/2. #2- Friday, 5/4 is a Traditional will have ALL of your classes that day. #3- There is a new homework assignment this week (in addition to working on your group project)! U.S. History= We are moving on in the textbook, forging ahead to Chapter 16 and studying about the Vietnam War era. You will get a new study guide in class this week that is due Wednesday, 5/9 (for odd periods) and Thursday, 5/10 (for even periods). Don't lose addition to it being the study guide the backside is a different assignment that you are going to learn about in class on Friday!

"Sweet April showers do spring May flowers." -Thomas Tusser

U.S. History= We are moving along...there will be a Chapter 15 Quiz on Thursday, 4/26 (for odd periods) and Friday, 4/27 (for even periods) covering the Kennedy & Johnson Years. Be sure to study...the textbook & what we've covered in class is all fair game for the quiz! Also your 3rd Quarter grades will be posted by Wednesday. Extra Credit Alert... here is way to earn some extra credit for class to make-up some points or pad your grade a bit on Wednesday, April 25th by attending Peer Court after school in the Social Hall from 3:05-5:05. To earn the extra credit (and even some community service hours) you must be there the entire time! To get the extra credit answer the following questions about each case (there will be a maximum of 4 cases): a- What was the case about? (i.e. what are they in trouble for doing?) b- What was the jury's decision & did the judge change anything? c- Did you agree or disagree with the outcome? Why? Additionally some of you will have the ...

"April hath put a spirit of youth in everything." -William Shakespeare

U.S. History= This week marks the end of the 3rd Quarter...that means we have our District 3rd Quarter Exam. The Study Guide you were given prior to the break is due soon (Friday, April 20th for odd periods and Monday, April 23rd for even periods). In other news, your project scripts & storyboards will be given back midweek. Have you been communicating with your group for the class project? Be sure to be working cooperatively with your group...participation is a must & will be reflected in your project grade!

"Easter spells out beauty, the rare beauty of new life." ~S.D. Gordon

U.S. History= Remember that the final draft of your script & storyboard are due on Friday, April 6th (for all classes)! This is important as it will fulfill your 3rd Quarter project in the grade book. There will be a Quiz on Chapter 14 and the Civil Rights movement on Thursday, 4/5 (for odd periods) and Friday, 4/6 (for even periods)...if you know you will not be in class that day please make arrangements to take the Quiz before the break!