"The world's favorite season is the spring. All things seem possible in May." -Edwin Way Teale

Heads up about a couple of things this week...
#1- If you went to Peer Court last week your write-up is due this Wednesday, 5/2.
#2- Friday, 5/4 is a Traditional Day...you will have ALL of your classes that day.
#3- There is a new homework assignment this week (in addition to working on your group project)!

U.S. History= We are moving on in the textbook, forging ahead to Chapter 16 and studying about the Vietnam War era. You will get a new study guide in class this week that is due Wednesday, 5/9 (for odd periods) and Thursday, 5/10 (for even periods). Don't lose it...in addition to it being the study guide the backside is a different assignment that you are going to learn about in class on Friday!


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