"May joy and peace surround you, Contentment latch your door, And happiness be with you now, And bless you evermore." -Irish Blessing

U.S. History= Several important things to keep in mind this week, besides the fact that there will be a Cold War Quiz in class. First of all you need to have your blue registration form completely filled out with the required signatures as you will be seeing your counselor about your schedule for senior year on 3/13 & 3/14. Secondly, the project commitment forms are due to Miss Kirby by Thursday, March 14th. And finally you have a Cold War study guide to be working on that is due 3/21 (for odd periods) and 3/22 (for even periods).

A.P. Euro= Remember that you should be expecting to take a Chapter 28 reading quiz next class (that may be on Thursday since you are occupied with CAHSEE testing the next two days). Please be prepared to take the quiz Tuesday (as originally planned), just in case! Also, would you please bring your textbooks with you Tuesday. We will be using them in class (definitely during 6th period & 4th period students can use them as your reading material for when you finish the CAHSEE). Please keep up with the reading schedule!
     Also, keep in mind that you have through Wednesday at lunch to get your test corrections done. You can come in Tuesday at 7:30am, Tuesday at lunch, Wednesday during the late start before your testing, & Wednesday at lunch (or during your open period if you have one 5th or 6th period).


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