
Showing posts from January, 2014

"It always seems impossible until its done." - Nelson Mandela

In all seriousness...good luck with finals! Check out the  study tips in the column to the right. Final grades for the 1st semester will be posted by 3pm on Friday, 1/31. U.S. History=   Please remember to bring your stamped work if that wasn't already checked last week. 5th period's final is Monday, 1/27 from 10:20am-12:20pm 2nd period's final is Tuesday, 1/28 from 8:00am-10:00am 4th period's final is Thursday, 1/30 from 8:00am-10:00am This portion of your final will contain multiple choice & matching questions.   AP Euro=   Please keep the following in mind : This study guide I emailed last week for the final is NOT due to be turned in! It is simply to help you prepare for the final. 1st period's final is Monday, 1/27 from 8:00am-10:00am 3rd period's final is Wednesday, 1/29 from 8:00am-10:00am The final is modeled after an actual AP Exam...there will be 80 multiple choice questions to be completed, in additio

“Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.” --Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

I hope you all enjoyed the long weekend! U.S. History=  Your 2nd Quarter Study Guide is due Thursday, 1/23/14 for odd periods & Friday, 1/24/14 for even periods; you will be taking the first part of your final on that same day. Please also bring your stamped work & QODs to class on Thursday and's extra credit toward your final grade! A study guide for the second part of your final (during finals week) will be passed out on Tuesday & Wednesday in class. AP Euro=  I will be in my classroom until 4:00pm on Wednesday for any student who would like to stop by for specific help with our current chapters. On Thursday, 1/23/13 your Chapter 24 & 25 Study Guides are will be taking a multiple choice test (no writing portion) on that day covering the 2 chapters we will spend the first 30 minutes of class reviewing the material. Please read the information below for an extra credit opportunity! EXTRA CREDIT ALERT FOR AP EURO: How to Wr

“Let me tell you the secret that has led me to my goals: my strength lies solely in my tenacity.” --Louis Pasteur

U.S. History=     Expect a new study guide at the start of this week that will be due on 1/14 & 1/15 and if a study guide is due you know that means there will be a test! Take the time to review the Chapter 8 vocabulary in addition to your study guide so you will be prepared. Your 2nd Quarter project that was assigned before the break is due on Tuesday, 1/14 for odd periods & Wednesday, 1/15 for even periods.  A.P. Euro=     Your Chapter 24 partner work is due on Tuesday, 1/14. If you have a powerpoint please email it to me before class. I will have a new handout & study guides for you in class. These new Study Guides for Chapters 24 & 25 will be due on Thursday, 1/23.

“What the New Year brings to you will depend a great deal on what you bring to the New Year.” --Vern McLellan

U.S. History=     Expect a new study guide at the start of this week that will be due on 1/14 & 1/15! Your 2nd Quarter project that was assigned before the break is due on Tuesday, 1/14 for odd periods & Wednesday, 1/15 for even periods.  A.P. Euro=     DATE CHANGE!!! Your Chapter 22 & 23 Test will now be on Friday, 1/10 instead of Wednesday, 1/8. That means the study guides will be due on Friday & plan on half the period in class on Wednesday being a review for the exam (instead of an evening review). Your take home DBQ is due Friday, 1/10/14 by 11:00pm to ...remember a minimum of 5 paragraphs (the DBQ prompt is on pages A38-A43 in your textbook).