
Showing posts from September, 2016

“We know that in September, we will wander through the warm winds of summer's wreckage." ― Heny Rollins

This week's Schedule: Monday– Late Start A  day Tuesday –  Extended Lunch  B day (Club Rush) Wednesday– A day Thursday– B day (Back to School Night) Friday– Minimum A day U.S. History=   I should have seen ALL your signed forms by now! Your Chapter 1 Study Guide and "Events Leading to the American Revolution" Timeline are due on your Test Day...Wednesday, 9/28 (for A day classes) & Thursday, 9/29 (for B day classes).  These items MUST be completed in your composition book! Be reading the textbook because the test is coming up are accountable for what is in the textbook as well as what we cover in class. There will be map questions on the original 13 colonies (which became the first 13 states) on your test! Here is a link to some directions for a way to quiz yourself based off of the textbook on-line. Check your School Loop email for a message with more specifics. :) Also, you can write out the Preamble to the Co...

"By all these lovely tokens September days are here, With summer’s best of weather And autumn’s best of cheer." - Helen Hunt Jackson

Thursday is the first day of Autumn! This week's Schedule: Monday– Late Start  B day Tuesday – A day Wednesday–  B day Thursday– A day Friday– B day U.S. History=   I should have seen ALL your signed forms by now! Your Chapter 1 Study Guide and "Events Leading to the American Revolution" Timeline are due Wednesday, 9/28 (for A day classes) & Thursday, 9/29 (for B day classes).  These items MUST be completed in your composition book! Be reading the textbook because the test is coming up are accountable for what is in the textbook as well as what we cover in class. There will be map questions on the original 13 colonies (which became the first 13 states) on your test! Also, you can write out the Preamble to the Constitution for extra credit on the test. Here is a  link  to the School House Rocks song. A.P. Euro=  Your Summer assignment essays on The Prince & Candide are due by 11:59pm to www...

"September 11 is one of our worst days but it brought out the best in us. It unified us as a country and showed our charitable instincts and reminded us of what we stood for and stand for." - Sen. Lamar Alexander

This week's Schedule: Monday– Late Start  A day Tuesday – B day Wednesday– A day Thursday– B day Friday–  Rally A day U.S. History=   Please bring your signed forms (Syllabus & Academic Honesty Policy) and your 100-page composition book to class (on Monday, 9/12 for odd periods and Tuesday, 9/13 for even periods).  Everyone needs to bring their composition book to class on Wednesday & Thursday this week...if you don't have one, see me ASAP! There will be a U.S. Map Quiz/Test on Wednesday, 9/14 for odd periods & Thursday, 9/15 for even periods; check your school loop email for helpful links sent last week .  Also, this week you will receive a Chapter 1 Study Guide (and those of you who did not get a textbook will be getting those this week too). A.P. Euro=  You have a reading quiz on Tuesday, 9/13 (based on the reading that has been assigned...please keep up with the reading schedule).   Please bring your 100...

"What we learn to do, we learn by doing. - Thomas Jefferson

This week's Schedule: Monday– Labor Day, no school Tuesday – A day Wednesday–  B day Thursday– A day Friday– B day U.S. History=   Please work on completing the United States Map worksheet that was given out on class.  There will be a U.S. Map Quiz next week (Wednesday, 9/14 for odd periods & Thursday, 9/15 for even periods).  We will be checking out textbooks and jumping in to some early American history this week.  Be sure that you get a College Ruled Composition Book to have just for our class by next Monday (9/12) or Tuesday (9/13). A.P. Euro=  Please go over your syllabus, Academic Honesty Policy, and Reading Schedule forms with your parents, sign them, & bring them back to class. Please keep up with the reading schedule (you were given in class). There will be a Quest  (longer than a quiz, but shorter than a test)  covering The Prince & Candide on Monday, 9/19.  Additionally your essays on th...