"September 11 is one of our worst days but it brought out the best in us. It unified us as a country and showed our charitable instincts and reminded us of what we stood for and stand for." - Sen. Lamar Alexander

This week's Schedule:
Monday– Late Start A day
Tuesday– B day
Wednesday– A day
Thursday– B day
Friday–  Rally A day

U.S. History= 
  • Please bring your signed forms (Syllabus & Academic Honesty Policy) and your 100-page composition book to class (on Monday, 9/12 for odd periods and Tuesday, 9/13 for even periods). 
  • Everyone needs to bring their composition book to class on Wednesday & Thursday this week...if you don't have one, see me ASAP!
  • There will be a U.S. Map Quiz/Test on Wednesday, 9/14 for odd periods & Thursday, 9/15 for even periods; check your school loop email for helpful links sent last week
  • Also, this week you will receive a Chapter 1 Study Guide (and those of you who did not get a textbook will be getting those this week too).
A.P. Euro= 
  • You have a reading quiz on Tuesday, 9/13 (based on the reading that has been assigned...please keep up with the reading schedule).  
  • Please bring your 100-page Composition book to class on Tuesday. 
  • Last week you received a Chapter 12 Study Guide...that is due on Thursday, 9/21. 
  • There will be a Quest (longer than a quiz, but shorter than a test) covering The Prince & Candide on Monday, 9/19. 
    • Additionally your essays on the two books are due to be turned in via www.turnitin.com by 11:59pm on Monday, 9/19. 
    • You do not need to bring a hard copy to class, just upload them to the site. The course number & password are listed on your reading schedule.


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