Hello 2009! I hope that you all enjoyed the break! Well here we are just a few weeks away from the end of the semester...be sure to stay on top of your work before finals! US= Your extra credit assignment is due Wednesday, 1/7 (for odd periods) & Thursday, 1/8 (for even periods)...the assignment is posted on School Loop. Be sure to bring your "Graphing Indicators of the Great Depression" worksheet back to class, as we continue to learn about the 1930s and the Great Depression we will be using that sheet to answer some questions. We will not have a test on Chapters 8 & 9 before the final, but there will be a quiz on each of the chapters. You should be ready for a quiz on Chapter 8 as early as the end of this week! Your homework is to do Cornell Notes for both chapters 8 & 9 and to complete workbook pages 68, 70, 72, 74, 76, 78, & 80...this is due Thursday, 1/22 (for odd periods) and Friday, 1/23 (for even periods). PacRim/IR= You will be getting your final...
This week's schedule: Monday– A day Tuesday– B day Wednesday– Late Start A day Thursday– B day Friday– A day (extended lunch) U.S. History= The " profile " for your Historical Civil Rights Figure is due to be uploaded on you class's www.edmodo.com page by 11pm on 3/22 (no matter what period you are in). This Civil Rights Historybook project will move quickly and be done by 3/31 & 4/1, so be sure to look at what you need to be accomplishing in the other parts of the project. Please bring your composition book to class (if you didn't turn it in with your World War II work). You'll need it in class on Monday & Tuesday. You will have two reading excerpts (with 3 questions each) handed out in class on Monday & Tuesday to also complete in your composition book. Be reading Chapter 14 in your textbook at home. AP Euro= Your Chapter 28 & 29 Study Guides and journals are due on Monday, 3/...
Welcome to the 2012-2013 school year! Don't forget to share the forms from class with your parents and guardians and bring the signed forms back to class this week! Be sure to stay connected with what's going on in class by checking this blog at the start of each week. You can subscribe to get specific updates for your class by texting @kirbyrush (for U.S. History) or @kirbapeuro (for AP Euro) to (442) 333-4081 or emailing kirbyrush@remind101.com (for U.S. History) or kirbapeuro@remind101.com leaving the subject line and body blank to subscribe to class updates. U.S. History= Signed syllabus & Academic Honesty policy are due by Thursday (for odd periods), 9/6 and Friday, 9/7 (for even periods). A United States map will be given out in class this week! AP Euro= We'll talk about our first assignment (that many of you did over the summer) in class this week. Your signed syllabus, Academic Honesty policy, & AP Euro contract are due by Friday, 9/7. Be prepared for...