"Twas Easter-Sunday. The full-blossomed trees filled all the air with fragrance and with joy." ~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

This week's schedule:
Monday– A day
Tuesday– B day
Wednesday– Late Start A day
Thursday– B day
Friday– A day (extended lunch)
U.S. History= 
  • The "profile" for your Historical Civil Rights Figure is due to be uploaded on you class's www.edmodo.com page by 11pm on 3/22 (no matter what period you are in).
    • This Civil Rights Historybook project will move quickly and be done by 3/31 & 4/1, so be sure to look at what you need to be accomplishing in the other parts of the project. 
  • Please bring your composition book to class (if you didn't turn it in with your World War II work). You'll need it in class on Monday & Tuesday.
  • You will have two reading excerpts (with 3 questions each) handed out in class on Monday & Tuesday to also complete in your composition book.
  • Be reading Chapter 14 in your textbook at home.

AP Euro= 

  • Your Chapter 28 & 29 Study Guides and journals are due on Monday, 3/21/16...that is a test day!
  • Your junior registration form (neatly completed in ink with signatures) is due on 3/23. You will be seeing your counselor that day if your form is complete to register for next year's classes.
  • New handouts on Chapter 30 will be given out as we move in to our last two chapters of the textbook!


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