Back from break & something about new keys!?!

Hi folks! I hope you all enjoyed the break. Well I know that some of you are concerned because grades have not been updated. This week I will be making a lot of progress to get EVERYONE'S grades updated, since Friday is the end of the quarter. Unfortunately Beek Hall was re-keyed last week while we were on break & I did not have access to my classroom to update grades, grade projects that were left in the classroom, and generally get things in order as I had planned to. I did get my new key this morning. Please be patient as I get caught up. :) Here is what you need to know for this week:
***All Magellan students with a D or F in any class is required to be at lunchtime study sessions in my room (Beek 261) on Tuesdays & Thursdays.
IR= we have started a new unit on War & Conflict, we will do our new grade check NEXT week (so they can have your quarter grades on them)plan on getting your book reviews back the end of next week.
WH= your chapter 13 vocabulary is due on Wednesday & Thursday depending on which class you are in, please start on your final current event project (3 articles with write-ups for April & 3 for May), your new alternative assignment is Comprehension & Critical Thinking questions on pages 425 (#3-5), 433 (#3-6), 438(#3-6), 447 (#3-7), & 435 (#3-8) (you must attempt to answer all questions to receive any credit for this assignment & it is due at the start of the period on your test day or before the test day)
US= 50s test this week, your 50s homework packet is due on Wednesday & Thursday depending on which class you are in, alternative assignments are also due on you test day (see the post on March 28th for page numbers), past work & your group scripts will be trickling back to you later this week and early next week.