"Listen! the wind is rising, and the air is wild with leaves, We have had our summer evenings, now for October eves!" -Humbert Wolfe

This week marks the end of the first quarter! Extra credit write-ups that you have turned in will be added to your grades at the end of the week.

US= Chapter 3 Homework Packets are due this week...Tuesday for odd periods and Wednesday for even periods. There will also be a chapter test that day! Please remember that it is your job to turn in absent work or make up a test ASAP by talking to me (before or after class), it is not my job to track you down!

PacRim/IR= You have a Quest (longer than a quiz, shorter than a test) on the Human Rights Unit this Wednesday, October 29th. Be sure to study by going over your notes...from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, to women's rights, to minority rights, to the specific cases we have looked at in class (both readings and documentaries)...they are all fair game for the Quest! We will finish up the documentary "Inside the Struggle: the Amy Biehl Story" in class then take a look at two more issues before the Quest...torture & China's One Child Policy.


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