"Thanksgiving, after all, is a word of action." ~W.J. Cameron

US= New homework packet assignments are being given out this week. They are due 12/18 & 12/19. No Tribal Cube Projects will be accepted after the break (they were due 11/21)! If you have not yet done your powerpoint...do it now, it will be due in December or you already missed you deadline, but should still e-mail it to me at kkirby@nmusd.us!
PacRim/IR= Your "Design an Awareness Campaign" Project with a partner is due Wednesday, 12/3. Your next Map Test on Southern Africa is on Friday, 12/5. Expect to have a lot of papers passed back the Monday you return from break!
Just for fun...yup, you do recognize those two guys doing tai-chi in the park with the old ladies...they were freshmen at the time, but are current juniors you have probably seen in my class room!