"Life is a gift, and it offers us the privilege, opportunity, and responsibility to give something back by becoming more." -Anthony Robbins

Well December is here already & that means that before you know it the semester will be over!

US= We are starting our new unit on Chapters 6 & 7. Your homework Packet assignments were given out prior to the Thanksgiving break & are due Thursday, 12/18 (odd periods) & Friday, 12/19 (even periods). If you have not yet done your Biography PowerPoint Project...do it now! It will be due this month (if you missed your due date you will only be given 1 make-up opportunity for partial credit this month...have it ready otherwise you get a zero for the project)!

PacRim/IR= We too are starting a new unit. We will be looking at 3 major diseases that impact the world: malaria, tuberculosis, & HIV/AIDS. Don't forget that your partner project "Design an Awareness Campaign" is due Wednesday, 12/3 and you have a map test on the southern portion of Africa on Friday, 12/5. ***Be sure to complete your TB & Malaria worksheet for class on Friday!

Just for fun...do you recognize any of these guys? They all participated in Cross Country their freshmen year & are now seniors.


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