First Semester Finals are here!!!
Grades for the first semester will be finalized and posted on school loop by Friday, January 30th. Some periods may be up before that, but ALL classes will have final grades posted by Friday. Be sure to bring at least one #2 pencil to class for the final and something to quietly read when you electronic devices will be allowed!!! Here is what this week's Finals Schedule looks like: MONDAY, 1/26 1st period (8:00-10:00) 5th period (10:20-12:20) TUESDAY, 1/27 2nd period (8:00-10:00) 6th period (10:20-12:20) WEDNESDAY, 1/28 3rd period (8:00-10:00) 7th period (10:20-12:00) THURSDAY, 1/29 4th period (8:00-10:00) 8th period (10:20-12:20) FRIDAY, 1/30 lucky school for you! See you at Winter Formal!