“It is better to be prepared for an opportunity and not have one than to have an opportunity and not be prepared.” -Whitney M. Young Jr.

The last week of class before finals....where do you begin?
Be sure to take a look at the suggestions you received last week for how to study for the final!
ALL STAMPED WORK IS DUE THIS WEEK (either Thursday or Friday...depending on which periods you are in)!!! Remember that stamped work is extra credit!
NEWS FLASH...all classes will be allowed to use 1 hand-written 3x5 index card during the final next week. These cards will be collected.

US= There is a Chapter 9 Quiz on Tuesday (1/20 for odd periods) and Wednesday (1/21 for even periods). Your Chapter 8 & 9 Homework Packets (Cornell Notes on both chapters as well as workbook pages 68, 70, 72, 74, 76, 78, & 80) are due Thursday (1/22 for odd periods) and Friday (1/23 for even periods). Next week is finals...is you have any questions be sure to ask in advance!

PacRim/IR= We will be finishing the film "Sometimes in April" as well as be visited by your counselor regarding the switching of classes at the semester this week. Friday will be spend reviewing & preparing for the final. FRIDAY IS A VERY IMPORTANT DAY...PLEASE BE IN CLASS!!!

Just for fun...yeah that poor kid "ate it" on the ice, but what kid doesn't?


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