"Good thoughts are no better than good dreams, unless they be executed." -Ralph Waldo Emerson
US= You have a Chapter 8 Quiz this week (Tuesday for odd periods and Wednesday for even periods). Be reading the book & keeping up with your Homework Packet by taking notes & doing the workbook pages (these are due next week). By the end of the week you will be given a study guide for the semester final. Be sure to ask about work that needs to be passed back.
IR/PacRim= Your North Africa & Middle East Map Test is this Wednesday, 1/14...don't forget to study! We will finish our notes on the War in Bosnia. By the end of the week you will be given a study guide for the semester final. Be sure to ask about work that needs to be passed back.
IR/PacRim= Your North Africa & Middle East Map Test is this Wednesday, 1/14...don't forget to study! We will finish our notes on the War in Bosnia. By the end of the week you will be given a study guide for the semester final. Be sure to ask about work that needs to be passed back.