“Nothing limits achievement like small thinking; nothing expands possibilities like unleashed imagination.” ~William Arthur Ward

This week is STAR Testing. Everyone will test in their 3rd period class unless you received a notice that you are to test elsewhere. Be sure to get a good night's rest eat a good breakfast int he morning before testing. Testing is Monday -Wednesday, Thursday is a 'B' day, and Friday is a traditional day. Check out the school website for the actual time schedule.

US= You have you decades film script due on Friday (5/22). All classes also have workbook pages 139, 141, 143, 145, 147, 149, 151, & 153 due on Friday as we are finishing up Chapters 17 & 18 and taking our test that day.

PacRim/IR= You have your Disease Quest on Thursday, 5/21. Be sure to go back through your notes on TB, Malaria, & HIV/AIDS. We will review in class before taking the quest.


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