"The heart of a mother is a deep abyss at the bottom of which you will always find forgiveness." ~Honoré de Balzac

US= You have the Extra Credit "Letter from Vietnam" due on Tuesday, 5/5 (for odd periods) and Wednesday, 5/6 for (even periods). We will be starting our new unit moving on to Chapters 17 & 18, but not before covering the Counter Culture Movement that was well known in the 1960s.
Remember that you have your storyboards for the Decade Film Project due this week. On Monday morning you will see which decade your group received. Be sure to take the time to properly research & be thoughtful in your choice of the top ten events/individuals that influenced American culture in that particular decade. If you are not in a group...see me ASAP! You can not afford to get a "zero" on this project!

PacRim/IR= We will be starting our unit on Disease this week. You will be given a little bit of time to work with your partner on the "Design an Awareness Campaign" project; don't forget that it is all due on May 12th! Be on the look out for a new map this week as well!

Sunday is Mother's Day! Don't forget to wish your mom a...


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