"I wonder what it would be like to live in a world where it was always June." - L. M. Montgomery

June is here...the count down is on...school is winding down (or is it)???

US= Be prepared for a quiz on Chapter 19 Section 2 early this week. Be sure to read through the rest of Chapter 19 by this Thursday & Friday. You have workbook pages 155, 157, 160, & 162 due this week (Thursday, 6/4 for even periods & Friday, 6/5 for odd periods). Don't forget that your film project is due FRIDAY, 6/5...you will lose a full letter grade for each day it is late! That means if you turn it in on Monday the highest grade you can get is a C+!

PacRim/IR= You have map test on Western Europe on Thursday, 6/4. Also be sure to bring your materials to put together the "Tools of Foreign Policy" posters with your group in class.


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