"You learn something every day if you pay attention." - Ray LeBlond

Well folks...we made it through the first week! Let's take a look at what we have going on this week:

US= All US history classes have been given a US Map to be completed & study for the Map Quiz. If you are in an odd period class (3rd or 5th) your Quiz in Friday, 9/18; if you are in an even period class (2nd or 4th) your Quiz is Monday 9/21. You are also to have you worksheet completed & turn it in on the day of your Quiz. It will not be accepted late!!! Also US History classes were all given their first Homework Packet assignment...it is due on Wednesday, 9/30 for odd periods & Thursday, 10/1 for even periods. If you have questions please ask in advance! Look on School Loop if you have lost your assignment sheets.

IR/PacRim= We are getting started on our Geography & Culture unit this week. Please come to class prepared to participate & get some work done! Look for an update at the end of the week regarding homework.

Just for fun...this is the current wallpaper on my computer.


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