"It is easy to take liberty for granted, when you have never had it taken from you."
Well folks, another interesting week is upon us! This week we do not have school on Wednesday in honor of Veterans Day. I would encourgage you to do a little more looking into what Veteran's Day is all about, why it started, and why our nation continues to honor those who have served in the military services. Please check out this site for a bit more about how the current Veteran's Day came to be in the U.S. or this site for some more history & trivia about the holiday.
All 1st Quarter Grades will be finalized and updated on School Loop by Thursday, 11/12.
US= We are continuing with Chapter 4 & will be moving in to Chapter 5 next week. You will receive a new Homework Packet this week (Critical Thinking Questions #s 4-6 on pages: 107, 114, 120, 127 (#s 4-7 on this page), 131, 143, 150, 155, & 163) it is due Thursday, 11/19 (for odd periods) and Friday, 11/20 (for even periods).
IR/PacRim= We will be working on finishing up our unit on Human Rights this week and then taking a Test on the unit next week. Expect to get a new map (of the Southern Half of Africa) as homework (it will be due Friday, 11/13).
In honor of Veteran's Day...the photos below are of retired Army Corporal Frank Woodruff Buckles, the last known surviving American World War I veteran.
Buckles (right), now 108, in a photo taken when he enlisted in the Army in 1917. At left, French troops stand guard along trenches in World War I. He was just 15 when he enlisted.
All 1st Quarter Grades will be finalized and updated on School Loop by Thursday, 11/12.
US= We are continuing with Chapter 4 & will be moving in to Chapter 5 next week. You will receive a new Homework Packet this week (Critical Thinking Questions #s 4-6 on pages: 107, 114, 120, 127 (#s 4-7 on this page), 131, 143, 150, 155, & 163) it is due Thursday, 11/19 (for odd periods) and Friday, 11/20 (for even periods).
IR/PacRim= We will be working on finishing up our unit on Human Rights this week and then taking a Test on the unit next week. Expect to get a new map (of the Southern Half of Africa) as homework (it will be due Friday, 11/13).
In honor of Veteran's Day...the photos below are of retired Army Corporal Frank Woodruff Buckles, the last known surviving American World War I veteran.

The photo above is a picture of retired Army Corporal Frank Woodruff at a ceremony in Washington, D.C. where he was honored by the President in March of 2008.