"May you never forget what is worth remembering, or remember what is best forgotten." - Irish saying

US= First of all we will be visiting the counselors this week to register for next year's classes. Don't forget to have your completed blue registration form with you in class (Wednesday for odd periods & Thursday for even periods). Please remember to get all the signatures you need in advance, include a parent signature...I will be scoring this as an assignment. We will be starting a new unit this week on the Cold War & the 1950s. Also you will get your 3rd quarter project assignment later this week.

IR/PacRim= You have a map test on North Africa & the Middle East on Wednesday, 3/10. We will be continuing this week looking at Tools of Foreign Policy and how they play in to War & Conflict.

Just for fun...no one tried to identify last week's photo, but maybe we will have better luck this week. Do you know where this is?


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