"You're the emblem of the land I love. The home of the free and the brave." -George M. Cohan

In case you're not aware...today is Flag Day! Do you know the rest of the lyrics to the song quoted above?

I will be working on updating grades this week prior to finals. It has been pointed out to me that some of the updates I have done are not reflected in what you are able to see on School Loop right now. I will work on getting that fixed.

US= You're Film Project is due Tuesday, June 15th...no excuses for late projects! You have stamped work, your textbooks, and Study Guide (a.k.a. take home part 1 of your final) also due this week! Those are due Thursday, June 17th (for odd periods) and Friday, June 18th (for even periods).

IR/PacRim= You have your final map test on Western Europe on Tuesday, June 15th. Be sure to study. We will finish watching class projects & be preparing for our final the rest of the week.


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