"You can't live a perfect day without doing something for someone who will never be able to repay you." -John Wooden

Don't forget that all Adopt-A-Family contributions are due this week in your 3rd period classes!

Oops! Grades did not get updated over the weekend. You WILL see updates this week though! Some of you have really been slacking off and not staying in touch when you miss class or failing to make up work that you missed due to absence. Please be advised that you will receive zeros for work that is not made up due to excused absences!

US= You have a Study Guide due on Thursday, 12/9 (odd periods) & Friday, 12/10 (even periods)...this is a date change. You were given more time! Be sure to do a thorough job with the study guide so you can be well prepared for the Formative Test. Don't forget to actually go through the chapters in the textbook too!

Sociology= We are still working through our unit on Social Inequality. Expect a quiz on Friday, 12/10 covering Inequalities in the U.S., Maintenance of the Social Stratification System, & Social Classes in the U.S..


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