“This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.” -Winston Churchill

Here we are at the last week of school! You should know the drill by now, but in case you don't here it is again:
Monday= 1st period final (8:00am-10:00am) & 5th period final (10:20am-12:20pm)Tuesday= 2nd period final (8:00am-10:00am) & 6th period final (10:20am-12:20pm)Wednesday= 3rd period final (8:00am-10:00am) & 7th period final (10:20am-12:20pm
Thursday= 4th period final (8:00am-10:00am) & 8th period final (10:20am-12:20pm)
Final grades will be posted by Thursday for all classes (with the exception of 4th period...it might take me until Friday to finalize your grades). Check back later in the week for some photos of the classes!

Have you seen this ad using security camera footage... check it out:


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