"The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government - lest it come to dominate our lives and interests.” -Patrick Henry

Yesterday was Constitution Day marking the 225th Anniversary of the United States Constitution!

U.S. History= You have now taken your first quiz (well a few of you still need to make it up) and our first test is just around the corner! Your study guide & "Events leading to the American Revolution" timeline are due next week on your test day (Wednesday, 9/26 for odd periods & Thursday, 9/27 for even periods).

AP Euro= Please finish reading Chapter 13 for class on Wednesday (pages 434 to 439). There will be a reading quiz covering Chapter 13 on Wednesday, 9/19. Also Journal #2 for your spiral notebook is to read pages 442 & 443, then answer question #2 on page 443, be sure to explain why! (Remember...journals are collected after every 3 to 4 entries.)

Our test on Chapters 12 & 13 is this Friday, 9/21...your study guides on these two chapters are also due on the test day. You get points for doing the study guides & they will help you be better prepared for the test!


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