"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance." -President Thomas Jefferson


U.S. History= Be sure to read Chapter 4! Expect a quiz later this week (Thursday & Friday)!
A.P. Euro= Please keep up with your reading! There will be a Chapter 18 reading quiz on Wednesday, 11/7 (please bring your textbook to class on Wednesday). Test corrections must be completed by Wednesday at lunch in order for them to go on your 1st Quarter Progress Report.
Your extra credit opportunity is to take part in The National World War II Museum's "Thank You for My Freedom" project. 
Are you thankful for your freedom? Will you take a moment of your time to show it?
The Museum launched MyVeteransDay.org, which makes thanking veterans for their service as easy as clicking your mouse or tapping your smart phone. Whether you write a personal message or upload a photo or video, take the time to say thank you to those who defend America.
They are trying to collect 1 million “thank yous” for for America’s veterans, and you have the opportunity to help and some extra credit. Simply, visit MyVeteransDay.org and say “thank you for my freedom.” (You can also use email, Facebook, or Twitter to tell your friends and family about the movement and invite them to join you in saying “thank you for my freedom.”) It takes just a moment of your time to say “thanks,” but the knowledge they served or are serving on behalf of a grateful nation is something our veterans will carry with them for a lifetime.
We owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to our nation’s military: men and women who travel far from the comforts of home, away from friends and family, missing holidays, birthdays and anniversaries — all to protect our right to be free. They have earned our thanks; it’s the least we can do for these patriots.

There are 3 different ways to participate in this initiative (you only need to do one):
  1. You can write a message on-line (using facebook, twitter, or your email) using this link cursor down & then click "write a message". Please be thoughtful and respectful with what you write!

  2. You can post a photo of yourself holding a sign that says "Thank you for my freedom" using this link cursor down & then click "post a photo". Please be appropriate and respectful in your photo. Here is a link to download a sign or you can make your own.

  3. You can record and upload a short video message thanking the veterans using this link then cursor down & click "upload a video". Again please be thoughtful and appropriate in your video.

  4. To receive credit for participating you can take a photo of your message, photo, or video as posted on the National World War II Museum's page and email to me at kkirby@nmusd.us (you can send photos from your phone by simply entering my email address instead of a phone number...it's really pretty easy.)

  5. I must receive your email by Saturday, November 10th (prior to Veterans Day) in order for you to receive the extra credit.


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