“I got a simple rule about everybody. If you don't treat me right...shame on you!” -Louis Armstrong

U.S. History= The Jazz Age Journal Extra Credit is due on Monday, 12/10 (for odd periods) and Tuesday, 12/11 (for even periods)...no exceptions! There will be a Chapter 7 quiz on Wednesday, 12/12 (for odd periods) and Thursday, 12/13 9for even periods); be sure to read through Chapter 7 so you are well prepared!!! Your 2nd Quarter Project will be introduced this week (don't worry, it will be due after the Holiday break).

AP Euro= There will be a test review tonight (Monday, 12/10) at 5pm in Home Arts room 177 (Mr. J. Robinson's room). We will be reviewing with Mr. Robinson's B-day class. Your Chapter 20 & 21 Study Guides are due on the test day (Tuesday, 12/11). Expect a new study guide for Chapter 22 later in the week!


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