"It is the ability to take a joke, not make one, that proves you have a sense of humor." ~Max Eastman

U.S. History= You have a 3rd Quarter Study Guide due next week (Wednesday, 4/10 for odd periods & Thursday, 4/11 for even periods). We are moving on to our unit about the Civil Rights movement...please be reading Chapter 14! Don't forget to be in communication with your group about your project!

A.P. Euro= We are down to our final 2 chapters to cover int he textbook! Your Chapter 30 (you already have) & 31 (to be passed out later this week) study guides are due next week on Thursday, 4/11! Please keep up with your reading of the textbook! Those of you who did not turn in your green registration forms to your counselor today need to get that done ASAP...it is very important for you to get the classes you want for next year! 


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