"You are the music while the music lasts." ~T.S. Eliot

U.S. History= Three important things!
      #1- Every class will be retaking the Chapter 17 & 18 Quiz (1st, 3rd, & 5th periods on Monday & 2nd period Tuesday) since people scored so poorly, I will then average the scores from the two and enter those grades. You should re-read chapters 17 & 18 (as I can tell that most of you did NOT read the chapters the first time around) in preparation as well as look through your notes on the 70s (Searching for Stability & Changing Society).
      #2- Your final study guides will be given out (they were passed out to 2nd period on Friday) in class and are due on Thursday, 6/13 for odd periods and Friday, 6/14 for even periods. Your textbooks and stamped work are due the same day!
      #3- Eight groups did not turn in a film...that is extremely problematic! On Thursday, June 6th we will have our film festival in Beek Hall with the films from the various classes (including Mrs. Thompson's class) being shown in many of the classrooms in Beek Hall. We will start at 6pm and finish around 7:30pm...each film will be shown twice giving people an opportunity to move around and see a variety of different films. It is expected that all students will be present (if there are circumstances that prevent you from attending, please speak with me individually). Your family & friends are invited to join us that evening to see the final products of your hard work!

A.P. Euro= If you were absent last Friday & didn't turn in your project, it is past due so turn it in ASAP! Your final group project will be introduced in class on Tuesday, June 4th this project will be due on Friday, June 14th. We will also be finishing up the film we started last Friday. 


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