"There is a harmony in autumn, and a luster in its sky, which through the summer is not heard or seen, as if it could not be, as if it had not been!" -Percy Blythe Shelley

U.S. History= You have a your Chapter 2 Study Guide and Civil War Map due on your test day... Thursday, 10/10 (for odd periods) and Friday, 10/11 (for even periods). Be sure that you are working on those items now & not waiting until the night before to do all of the work! 

A.P. Euro= You have through lunch on Wednesday to finish you test corrections for the Chapter 12 & 13 Test (don't worry...it does get better)! Your Chapter 14 & 15 Study Guides (with maps) are due on test day, which is Tuesday, 10/8! If you have questions please be sure to ask in advance so I can help you! Later this week in class I will give you information about a review session for the test (it is optional). ***If you don't have a spiral notebook, please get one ASAP (or come see me)!


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