Welcome to the 2013-2014 School Year!

U.S. History= You have a States & Capitals Quiz on Thursday, 9/12 (for odd periods) and Friday, 9/13 (for even periods)...be sure that you study! Also, you will receive the Chapter 1 Study Guide in class this week...due date TBA.

A.P. Euro= There will be a Quest (longer than a quiz, but shorter than a test) covering The Prince & Candide on Tuesday, 9/10. Additionally your essays on the two books are due to be turned in via www.turnitin.com by 11:59pm that same day. You do not need to bring a hard copy to class, just upload them to the site. The course number & password are written on the board in class. Please keep up with the reading schedule & do your best to answer the Study Guide questions as you are going through the reading.


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