"Indoors or out, no one relaxes in March, that month of wind and taxes, the wind will presently disappear, the taxes last us all the year." ~Ogden Nash

U.S. History= Your World War II Study Guide & Maps are due this week (on your test day)...  Tuesday, 3/4/14 for odd periods & Wednesday, 3/5/14 for even periods. Be prepared for some map questions on your test! Later in the week we will be transitioning to the next unit & be introducing the 3rd Quarter project. Also you will have a 50s worksheet due in class on 3/6 & 3/7.

AP Euro= Chapter 28 Reading Quiz on Tuesday, 3/4! Test corrections this week, but not at lunchtime on Monday (you have through Friday, 3/7 to complete your test corrections). We will be continuing on in Chapter 28 this week, but please be working on your Chapter 28 Study Guide that is due on Friday, 3/14. Be sure to complete your journal entry on the Mein Kampf excerpt for Monday, 3/10.


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