"You're the emblem of the land I love. The home of the free and the brave." --George M. Cohan

FYI...Saturday, June 14th is Flag Day!

And the following day, Sunday, June 15th is Father's Day!

U.S. History= Your final study guides were given out and are due on Thursday, 6/12 for odd periods and Friday, 6/13 for even periods. Your textbooks and stamped work are due the same day! 

  • On that given day you will be taking the first part of your final. 
  • Part 1 of the final is on Thursday & Friday and part 2 of the final is on your assigned final day the following week. 
  • Come prepared with questions you might have about the study guides and the material on Tuesday, 6/10 & Wednesday, 6/11. 

A.P. Euro=  Your final group project is due on Monday, June 16th for 1st period & Wednesday, June 18th for 3rd period (or sooner if you'd like to turn it in early); please be sure that you are in a group & signed up for a topic (check your School Loop email) no later than 6/10. 
      Please bring your textbooks & stamped work to class on Thursday, 6/12 (we will be checking your textbooks back in to the library on that day). Additionally, you should be aware that there is still a portion of your final that will be done in class during during your assigned final period.


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