"September days have the warmth of summer in their briefer hours, but in their lengthening evenings a prophetic breath of autumn." -- Rowland E. Robinson

Thursday, October 2nd is Back to School Night! U.S. History= A Missouri Compromise & Kansas-Nebraska Act worksheet will be give out in class this week...it is due Wednesday for odd periods & Thursday for even periods. You will receive your Chapter 2 Study Guide and Civil War Map in class this week and they are due on your test day...Monday, 10/13 (for odd periods) and Wednesday, 10/15 (for even periods). Be sure that you are working on those items now & not waiting until the night before to do all of the work! A.P. Euro= Expect a Chapter 14 Reading Quiz on Tuesday, 9/30. Your Chapter 14 & 15 Study Guides (with maps) are due on test day, which is Wednesday, 10/8! If you have questions please be sure to ask in advance so I can help you! Truth...especially if you cut my class on a test day!