“The Constitution is the guide which I never will abandon.” --George Washington
U.S. History= Your Chapter 1 Study Guide (to be completed in your composition book) is due on Tuesday, 9/23 (for odd periods) and Wednesday, 9/24 (for even periods). Additionally the "Events Leading to the American Revolution Timeline" assignment is also to be completed in your composition book.
A.P. Euro= The Europe Map assignment is due on Tuesday, 9/16...there will also be a reading quiz in class that day. Please keep up with the reading schedule & do your best to answer the Study Guide questions (in your composition book) as you are going through the reading; remember that you now have both the Chapter 12 & Chapter 13 study guides and they are due on Monday, 9/22 (test day).
A.P. Euro= The Europe Map assignment is due on Tuesday, 9/16...there will also be a reading quiz in class that day. Please keep up with the reading schedule & do your best to answer the Study Guide questions (in your composition book) as you are going through the reading; remember that you now have both the Chapter 12 & Chapter 13 study guides and they are due on Monday, 9/22 (test day).
September 17th is Constitution Day, marking the 227th anniversary of the supreme law of the land. For more information, check out this link.