“People must have righteous principals in the first, and then they will not fail to perform virtuous actions.”― Martin Luther

U.S. History= Your Chapter 1 Study Guide (to be completed in your composition book) is due on Thursday, 9/25 (for odd periods) and Friday, 9/26 (for even periods)...this is a date change! Additionally the "Events Leading to the American Revolution Timeline" assignment is also to be completed in your composition book. There will be map questions on the original 13 colonies (which became the first 13 states) on your test! Also, you can write out the Preamble to the Constitution for extra credit on the test. Here is a link to the School House Rocks song.

A.P. Euro= Remember that your Chapter 12 & Chapter 13 study guides are due on Monday, 9/22 (in your composition book). Don't forget to also bring the Chapter 13 map. After our test on Monday, 9/22 we will be moving on to Chapter 14 & the Reformation...expect a new study guide on Wednesday.


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