“October sunshine bathed the park with such a melting light that it had the dimmed impressive look of a landscape by an old master.” --Elizabeth Enright
U.S. History= Your 1st Quarter project will be introduced this week (Native American Tribal Flier) and is due on Tuesday, 11/4 for 2nd period & Wednesday, 11/5 for 1st, 3rd, & 5th periods. Expect to see a new Study Guide this week since we are starting Chapter 3!
A.P. Euro= You have a Chapter 16 Vocabulary Quiz on Thursday, 10/16! Your Chapter 16 Study Guide (with map) was passed out last week and by the end of the week you will also have one for Chapter 17. They are both due on Tuesday, 10/28.
A.P. Euro= You have a Chapter 16 Vocabulary Quiz on Thursday, 10/16! Your Chapter 16 Study Guide (with map) was passed out last week and by the end of the week you will also have one for Chapter 17. They are both due on Tuesday, 10/28.